Welding Rod & Wire & Rope
Zigong produces different welding materials for hardfacing, including tubular welding rods, welding wires, flexible ropes, and sintered composite rods.
Tubular Welding Rod
Cast tungsten carbide, macrocrystalline tungsten carbide powder, spherical cast tungsten carbide powder, crushed carbide grit and cemented carbide pellets are used as hard phases.
Diameter of 3.2mm~6.0mm
Length: 600mm~900mm
Application: feed grinder hammer, blades of steel body bits

Teli me bërthamë me fluks të aliazhuar me rezistencë ndaj konsumit të FeCrMo
Metali i depozituar është një aliazh i lartë kromi me rezistencë, rezistencë ndaj plasaritjes, rezistencë ndaj lëkurës, rezistencë të lartë ndaj nxehtësisë dhe rezistencë të lartë ndaj konsumit pas forcimit të punës. Materiali është i lehtë për t'u lustruar dhe nuk mund të përpunohet.
Application: used to repair and remanufacture crusher rolls, percussion arms, hammers, picks, propellers, fan impellers, screen plates, liners, etc.

Composite Rod
The cemented carbide inserts and crushed carbide grits are used to produce composite rods for milling and fishing tools. Cast tungsten carbide powder with Nickel-based are sintered for non-magnetic applications. We can tailor-make different composite rods for your unique requirements.

Flexible Rope
The rope is made of cast tungsten carbide powder with nickel-based alloy with excellent weldability and wear resistance.
Diameters of 4.0mm, 6.0mm, and 8.0mm are available